Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The dream is over for another year. My beloved Montreal Canadiens lost a heartbreaker in overtime after dominating the match. There's nothing left to do but start going to the gym again in the evenings and pay more attention to my fingers as I knit. I was too nervous during the game to knit a single stitch - not one! Sigh. What am I supposed to do now? Cheer for Calgary? Edmonton? Ottawa?


Blogger Laurel said...

Oh I know, we watched too :( I also left my knitting tucked away, I still need to look at it - not good for an important hockey game!

10:20 PM  
Blogger City Wiccan said...

So, glad to see you on the Dulaan owner's blog!! I hope that you knit something for the Dulaan project. We are trying to get something from every Canadian province and we haven't got anything from Quebec yet! Stop by my blog if you want to learn more. I have a button on my right sidebar where you can read about it.

All the best!!

11:11 PM  
Blogger Stefaneener said...

I. . . I don't know what to say. Really.

Actually, I hope knitting eases your pain and the endorphins from exercising help.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Montreal Mama said...

I am just as confused as you are. Who to cheer for? Are you a Montrealer? (I am!) I can't figure out how I stumbled upon your blog - do you go to MontrealKnits meetings?

11:14 PM  

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